Here be dragons 🐉

The goal of g(r)osling is to help you build interactive genomics visualizations with Gosling. This package uses reticulate to provide an interface to the Gos Python package.



data <- gos$bigwig(
  url = "",
  column = "position",
  value = "peak"

track <- gos$Track(data, height = 100)$mark_point()$encode(
  x = gos$X("position:G"),
  y = gos$Y("peak:Q")


Gosling visualization


You can install the development version of gosling like so:


Because of Python, there may be some additional installation steps.

1.) Python must be installed on your system. We recommend conda.

2.) Create a conda environment called "r-reticulate". It is recommended to use this environment name for all packages that use reticulate.

3.) Install Gos into your "r-reticulate" environment using gosling::install_gosling().

You may wish to add a line like this to the .First() function in your .Rprofile:


The use_condaenv() function is called to provide a hint to reticulate on which Python environment to use.

Local Data

Gos transparently serves local and in-memory datasets for the Gosling client via a background data server. This feature is enabled automatically whenever a local file path is detected (rather than a URL).

Due to a temporary limitation with reticulate, some additional setup is required to enable this feature in grosling. Hopefully this will be resolved in reticulate soon, but the current workaround is shown below.


### Setup reticulate to continually yield R <> Python. You only need to run this *once*.
  reticulate::py_run_string("from time import sleep")
  py_yield_and_register_next_yield <- function() {
    later::later(py_yield_and_register_next_yield, .001)

file <- "./" # local file
data <- gos$bigwig(file, column = "position", value = "peak")

track <- gos$Track(data, height = 100, width = 750)$mark_bar()$encode(
  x = gos$X("position:G"),
  y = gos$Y("peak:Q"),
  color = gos$Color("peak:Q")


Gosling visualization using local file